My Furry Friends
This is my Girlfriend Bettsy Betts she gurt luvs I - we have known each other since she was a pup... it was love at first sight, although she needs to get those nashers sorted.
This is Murphy which you have to say with an Irish accent otherwise it doesnt sound right, we go on the beach cleans together - he gets a bit grumpy but hes ok
This is Mads - we first met at a BBQ at our house back in August
see what I mean
This is Sasha - the first time she came to stay at our our house she didnt stay long .. she likes to keep on the move and follow her mum ... she is kinda cute too but dont tell Bettsy I said that ...
this is my friend Teddy i wanted him to come swimming
This is my buddy Bosley, me and Bosley had so much fun till Bozzer had terrible problems with his legs and couldn't play with me anymore as I was too big - we are the same age too
Me and the Billy goat in the field next door- we played often